Last week, a group of digital preservation minded people got together for an all day born-digital workflows CURATEcamp (#curatecamp). We started the morning off with talks from practitioners approaching specific aspects of the workflow, from acquisition to access. The afternoon was organized into small discussion sections and demonstrations. In the coming days, the CURATEcamp wiki will be updated with links to presentation slides and notes from the presentations, breakout sessions, and demonstrations – stay tuned! Thanks to everyone who came out and supported the event!
- Morning welcome
- Rebecca Fraimow -LTO workflow
- John Passmore – CDDA migration workflow
- Peter Chan – ePADD project
- Ben Fino-Radin – DRMC-MA demo
- Afternoon breakout session
This event was supported by the National Digital Stewardship Residency in New York program, funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and implemented by the Metropolitan New York Library Council in partnership with Brooklyn Historical Society. CURATEcamp was also affiliated with this year’s Personal Digital Archiving conference.